Sunday, October 9, 2011

Qoutes: excuses

Alexander Pope
An excuse is worse than a lie, for an excuse is a lie, guarded.

Thomas Fuller
Bad excuses are worse than none.

Unknown Author
Don't make excuses, make good.

Publilius Syrus
Every vice has its excuse ready.

Benjamin Franklin
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.

Gabriel Meurier
He who excuses himself, accuses himself.

Henry Ward Beecher
Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you, never excuse yourself.

Yiddish Proverb
If you don't want to do something, one excuse is as good as another.

Francois de la Rochefoucauld
Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible.

Napoleon Hill
The best job goes to the person who can get it done without passing the buck or coming back with excuses.

Thomas Szasz
Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse.

H. V. Adolt
We are all manufacturers. Making good, making trouble, or making excuses.

Abraham H. Maslow
We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, and callings.

Rudyard Kipling
We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.

It Is an Honorable Thought by Emily Dickinson

It is an honorable thought,
And makes one lift one's hat,
As one encountered gentlefolk
Upon a daily street,

That we've immortal place,
Though pyramids decay,
And kingdoms, like the orchard,
Flit russetly away.

Knocked Up, Henry Lawson

I'm lyin' on the barren ground that's baked and cracked with drought,
And dunno if my legs or back or heart is most wore out;
I've got no spirits left to rise and smooth me achin' brow --
I'm too knocked up to light a fire and bile the billy now.

Oh it's trampin', trampin', tra-a-mpin', in flies an' dust an' heat,
Or it's trampin' trampin' tra-a-a-mpin'
through mud and slush 'n sleet;
It's tramp an' tramp for tucker -- one everlastin' strife,
An' wearin' out yer boots an' heart in the wastin' of yer life.

They whine o' lost an' wasted lives in idleness and crime --
I've wasted mine for twenty years, and grafted all the time
And never drunk the stuff I earned, nor gambled when I shore --
But somehow when yer on the track yer life seems wasted more.

A long dry stretch of thirty miles I've tramped this broilin' day,
All for the off-chance of a job a hundred miles away;
There's twenty hungry beggars wild for any job this year,
An' fifty might be at the shed while I am lyin' here.

The sinews in my legs seem drawn, red-hot -- 'n that's the truth;
I seem to weigh a ton, and ache like one tremendous tooth;
I'm stung between my shoulder-blades -- my blessed back seems broke;
I'm too knocked out to eat a bite -- I'm too knocked up to smoke.

The blessed rain is comin' too -- there's oceans in the sky,
An' I suppose I must get up and rig the blessed fly;
The heat is bad, the water's bad, the flies a crimson curse,
The grub is bad, mosquitoes damned -- but rheumatism's worse.

I wonder why poor blokes like me will stick so fast ter breath,
Though Shakespeare says it is the fear of somethin' after death;
But though Eternity be cursed with God's almighty curse --
What ever that same somethin' is I swear it can't be worse.

For it's trampin', trampin', tra-a-mpin' thro' hell across the plain,
And it's trampin' trampin' tra-a-mpin' thro' slush 'n mud 'n rain --
A livin' worse than any dog -- without a home 'n wife,
A-wearin' out yer heart 'n soul in the wastin' of yer life.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

tell me why..why....
 no bye...bye
i can cry..cry...


just before

I just may be effect of caffeine + season+ home sickness. It makes me feel like I’m alone all over again…hishhhh.. not in a really good situation this last few days…

When I’m been thinking bout others thing my mind kind been distract by others thing make me forgetful..
Life never seems like what we imagine…that is my thought for the last couple of days…and my wall of arrogant been built up. With the effect of new class that I need to pretend that I’m cheerful person, kind sick of that thought. May be I need to change my name..(hmmm…in deep thinking, ,may be not )

Thursday, September 15, 2011


actually manusia or more precisely MELAYU, suka berlagak... hanya sebab dia ada ijazah dah xmau keje sgb waiters..

pergh...mak ayah pun leh bek up..pedih ma...
start dari mula, nie lagi 1 minggu sblm abis keje kay kenny. ade aunty datang beli 1/4 set take away. mase bayar dia nampak notice jawatang kosong untuk raya. terasng la kat dia pe nak ..berapa gaji bla.bla..
lepas siap at the same moment husband dia mai..depa dok sembang pasai notice tu tp yang slack tu..
ayah dia kata pa.."fik bukan mau keje mcm nie". ceh, siap kata anak dia ade degree.. mmg lps tu sound pakcik ngn makcik tu.."saya pun ada degree, nie nak amb master lak.."terdiam depa hahaha..lps tu cover kata anak dia segan nanti makwa nampak..ceh..

Monday, May 9, 2011

entah apa salah....

the last time i check i still have the power to change something ,but today i long as you be a just need to agree on everything like goat....

gambo kain pelikat

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I Cannot Live With You by Emily Dickinson

I cannot live with you,
It would be life,
And life is over there
Behind the shelf 

The sexton keeps the key to,
Putting up
Our life, his porcelain,
Like a cup 

Discarded of the housewife,
Quaint or broken;
A newer Sevres pleases,
Old ones crack. 

I could not die with you,
For one must wait
To shut the other's gaze down,
You could not. 

And I, could I stand by
And see you freeze,
Without my right of frost,
Death's privilege? 

Nor could I rise with you,
Because your face
Would put out Jesus'.
That new grace 

Glow plain and foreign
On my homesick eye,

I Am Not Yours by Sara Teasdale

I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea. 

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light. 

Oh plunge me deep in love - put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.

If You Were Coming in the Fall by Emily Dickinson

If you were coming in the fall,
I'd brush the summer by
With half a smile and half a spurn,
As housewives do a fly.

If I could see you in a year,
I'd wind the months in balls,
And put them each in separate drawers,
Until their time befalls.

If only centuries delayed,
I'd count them on my hand,
Subtracting till my fingers dropped
Into Van Diemen's land.

If certain, when this life was out,
That yours and mine should be,
I'd toss it yonder like a rind,
And taste eternity.

But now, all ignorant of the length
Of time's uncertain wing,
It goads me, like the goblin bee,
That will not state its sting

Saturday, April 9, 2011

kawan atau lawan...

Boleh a pangil dia adik…muda berapa tahun…tapi at sometimes she act that she much cleaver than me…
SO BE IT…!!!!!!!!
Klu nak ikut seniority…aku lagi lama keje situ…hahah..perasan…
Ini dah jadi satu tabiat budak cawangan , suka order barang last minit..ingat ade ke superman nak anto…???Akai mana????  Buat orang susah je…itu satu hal..nie, time ade customers la nak call taye mcm2..ingat kmorg xde keje…hah..
Dah la tu benda yang remeh temeh pun xleh nak pikir sendiri…tapi bila bab gaji pandai lak nak lebih..hish…mana leh xde akai xleh pegang duit banyak2..ahhahade ke tak tahu ape guna ralat …came on la..RALAT…xkan x tahu kate org semua tahu…
PODAH CIT……………..

kisah manusia...

Kisah tentang seorang manusia…

Ade seorang manusia nie…yang nak kate tak pandai dia berlagak mcm pandai..tapi entah a..ade apa dalam otak dia..
Dia ..salah seorang customer yang dating kedai…wa…dari act she look like she know what she…she ask either we have a car sticker…so..We show to her the type that we have …tahu dia lepas dia tengok je jenis stiker yang kami orang ade dia taya ”dik, nie sticker yang tampal kat cermin kerete kan..” saya jawab la “aha..nie memang sticker kereta, kak nak yang macam mana lagi???”
Dia leh jawab” nak stiker yang tampal kat lubang badan kereta yang depan enjin tu…”..
Ish..ish…kak nie..takkan tak tahu, ini kedai buku la..bukan kedai hardware ma…amoi cina 60 tahun pun tahu tengok…
Apa lagi lepas dia keluar kami orang bantai gelak a…ade gak orang macam nie…

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

sama tapi tak serupa

ini dapat dari kawan...

1. Kondominium tidak ada kena mengena dengan kondom. tetapi di kondominium kita boleh dapat banyak kondom terpakai.

2. Aurat dan urat adalah dua benda yang berbeza. Namun begitu, apabila melihat perempuan yang mendedahkan aurat, urat lelaki akan krem di sesetengah kawasan.

3. Kuih tat enak di makan. Tapi apabila kita makan lapan keping kuih tat, kita mungikin dituduh mencarut. Kalau tak percaya, cuba kira satu tat, dua tat, tiga tat, sampai lapan.

4. Laksamana adalah jawatan besar di dalam kesultanan Melayu Melaka. "Laksa kedah" pula adalah contoh jawapan kalau orang tanya kita "laksa mana ni?"

5. Barbeque adalah makanan yang enak. Namun begitu 'babi queue' haram dimakan oleh orang Islam.

6. Sesetangah orang memanggil cili sebagai cabai. Tapi kalau mulut nak kena cabai, cuba la cakap cibai kat depan orang tua-tua.

7. Membuat tahu sumbat sungguh meletihkan. Lebih letih lagi kalau orang lain hanya tahu nak sumbat je tahu sumbat dalam mulut.

8. Si Bosia dan Bojan dipandang hina oleh masyarakat. Namun begitu si Boroi yang makan duit rakyat mendapat sanjungan.

9. Bermain bola keranjang memang meletihkan. Bermain di ranjang juga boleh meletihkan.

10. Allahyarham P.Ramlee tak pernah dapat Lesen P sebab baru
diperkenalkan. Penyanyi pop yeh yeh L.Ramli mungkin pernah dapat lesel L. Tapi Allahyarham A.Ramlie tak pernah dapat lesen A sebab tak ada.

11. Ramai orang lelaki takut kalau-kalau mati pucuk. Tapi tak takut kalau-kalau mati esok.

harverd versus stanford...

A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband,dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked timidly without an appointment into the president of Harvard's outer office.

The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard and probably didn't even deserve to be in Cambridge.

She frowned. "We want to see the president," the man said softly. "He'll be busy all day," the secretary snapped. "We'll wait," the lady replied. For hours, the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away.

They didn't. And the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president, even though it was a chore she always regretted to do. "Maybe if they just see you for a few minutes, they'll leave," she told him.

And he sighed in exasperation and nodded. Someone of his importance obviously didn't have the time to spend with them, but he detested gingham dresses and homespun suits cluttering up his outer office. The president, stern-faced with dignity, strutted toward the couple.

The lady told him, "We had a son that attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was happy here. But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed. And my husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him, somewhere on campus."

The president wasn't touched, he was shocked. "Madam," he said gruffly. "We can't put up a statue for every person who attended Harvard and died. If we did, this place would look like a cemetery". "Oh, no," the lady explained quickly. "We don't want to erect a statue.

We thought we would like to give a building to Harvard." The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, "A building! Do you have any earthly idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical plant at Harvard." For a moment the lady was silent.

The president was pleased. He could get rid of them now. And the lady turned to her husband and said quietly, "Is that all it costs to start a University? Why don't we just start our own?" Her husband nodded.

The president's face wilted in confusion and bewilderment. And Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford walked away, traveling to Palo Alto, California where they established the University that bears their name, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about.


"You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them." Malcolm Forbes